UniversitΣt Tⁿbingen - Lehrstuhl Tierphysiologie |
The psychophysics of bat echolocation seen from the perspective of human listening experiments.
10th International Bat Research Conference, Boston, 1995
Experimental procedures designed to test the performance of batsÆ echolocation receiver were adapted to for human subjects by scaling the frequency of the stimuli into the human hearing range. Paradigms for evaluating performance in range difference and range jitter discrimination as well as experimental designs for characterization of the psychophysical effects associated with dual wave front stimuli were presented to listeners in a three-alternative, forced-choice task in order to obtain threshold estimates for the discrimination capabilities of a mammalian hearing system not specialized for echolocation tasks. By means of this strategy we hope to determine whether bats could make use of psychophysical qualities, the occurrence of which is a general feature of the mammalian hearing system.
range difference, jitter detection, jitter discrimination, psychoacoustical properties